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块能量模型是所有交通车队过渡规划的基础. 通过了解运输机构服务街区的具体电力需求, 电气化过渡计划可以更准确地评估车队中每辆电动巴士在两次充电之间的行驶距离.




在我最后的 IBI的见解 article on bus fleet electrification, 我简要地指出了服务块建模的概念,它是 成功地将公共交通车队从柴油转向电动需要预先规划和分析.

A term familiar in 公共交通, service “阻止” is how transit agencies apportion the scheduled service along bus routes. To maximize operator efficiency, blocking is coordinated with the scheduling of service operators, 这个过程被称为“runcutting’.

每个服务块包括由运输车队中的同一车辆操作的预定行程序列. 这些区块包括在服务结束或开始时往返服务车库的分配时间, plus the period of time when a bus is traveling between revenue trips, or ‘免费入场’, and during layover periods.

服务阻塞的主要目标是优化人力和设备资源的分配,以交付预定的行程, 在车辆性能的限制下最大限度地降低运营成本,并制定可行的劳动力协议.

It should come as no surprise, 然后, 这些服务区在规划将以柴油为燃料的公共汽车车队过渡到电气化车队的过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用.


块能量模型是所有交通车队过渡规划的基础. 通过了解运输机构服务街区的具体电力需求, 电气化过渡计划可以更准确地评估车队中每辆电动巴士在两次充电之间的行驶距离.

该计划还将确定一个机构为充分服务公众所需的电动公交车数量, which will affect other important aspects, 如所需堆场的大小和所需操作人员和技术人员的数量. Based on when buses are parked in a storage yard between service blocks, 块能量模型可以帮助确定所需的车辆充电基础设施的类型和位置.

Start With Existing Service Blocks

公交公司现有的柴油运营服务区自然成为电气化过渡计划的起点, 因为计划目标是最小化任何与转换相关的操作中断.

然而, electric buses have different operating characteristics from diesel buses, with very specific service planning requirements. 特别是, 电池电动公交车的运行受到可用电池容量支持的范围的限制.

With block energy modelling, 其目的是研究一家公交机构目前使用的服务街区的细节,以对现有客运路线需要多少辆电动公交车进行现实评估, and to make appropriate service adjustments where needed.

Simulation Modelling Factors


  1. The length and topography of each block
  2. The unloaded and loaded weight of the buses
  3. 停止频率
  4. 车载辅助功能(如暖气和空调)使用的电池电量
  5. Individual operator skills and habits
  6. The lifecycle stage for the batteries powering the buses.

大多数公共交通机构将从柴油公交车过渡到电动公交车,这将是一个滚动部署过程, 每年约有5%至10%的现有巴士被更换. With each successive electric bus purchase, 维持现有和调整后的服务区块的组合至关重要,这些服务区块可以由混合的电动-柴油车队提供支持.

随着时间的推移,电动巴士和充电技术不断发展,以适应更大的电池容量和更高的充电速率,这增加了过渡规划的复杂性. 在回应, 过渡计划, including service block adjustments and charging infrastructure changes, should be updated every few years as the technology changes.


Block energy modelling assessments need to be periodically adjusted based on the most accurate and current data available, so that the intelligence they generate on the steps needed to support 的每一个阶段 舰队转型 是最有效的.


在下一个 IBI的见解 article on bus fleet electrification, I will look at what the future may hold for transit fleet electrification. 其目标是帮助各机构规划向环境更可持续的公共交通模式过渡,同时充分了解资本和运营成本.

道格·帕克是 运输 systems engineer and planner, specializing in assisting public agencies with applying advanced technology. He is a recognized leader in transit technology consulting, 与AG平台的运输技术咨询业务密切合作.

His 33 years of experience spans all 公共交通 模式, 包括铁路, 固定路线巴士, 快速公交, 渡轮, demand responsive transit, 农村交通. It also includes the full range of transit technologies, including those in support of planning, 运营管理, 公共信息, 收益管理, 安全, and business intelligence.

Doug has been involved with numerous planning, 研究和评估工作,包括区域部署计划的发展, 体系结构, 评估, and several Transit Cooperative Research Program projects.

Headshot of 道格•帕克

写的 道格•帕克

导演|高级. Practice Lead, Transit Technology
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